Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Sunrise Moment from the Airavateswara Temple, Darasuram

It was a pleasant morning and I was standing inside the Airavateswara Temple in Darasuram. The Airavateswara temple is part of the Great Living Chola Temples, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is situated on the way from Thanjavur to Kumbakonam. This temple was built by Rajaraja Chola II in the 12th century.

Sunrise moment at Airavateeswara Temple Entrance

I had just finished one round of this intricately carved temple when I saw this fantastic sunrise moment from the main entrance door of the temple. The clouds just seemed to add to the magic.


  1. Another shot, focusing on doorframe would have been nice

  2. I know. I realized that only when I started processing the photo. While I was there at the temple, I was more interested in the sunset.

  3. Another shot, focusing on doorframe would have been nice
