Monday, June 04, 2012

Landscape Photography: Confluence of Hill Streams

A Himalayan drive throws up some spectacular views. While the winding roads, the rarified air and the snow capped peaks offer a thrilling experience, the Himalayas also offer some splendid views of its rivers.

Merging of Hill streams
These fast flowing streams and rivers cut through the gorges and valleys and pass through dense pine ad other temperate forests.

Hill streams join enroute to Tawang
I came across such a moment when I was making my way to Tawang, in the western part of Arunachal Pradesh. Thee photographic moment was the confluence of two rapid rivers, one slightly larger than the other. The entire confluence was surrounded by evergreen forests and made for a remarkable aerial view during my drive through this part of the Eastern Himalayas.


  1. These hills are such heavenly and it is a good thing that places like these still exists.
    Protecting these sanctuaries are a must. 
