Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cape Buffalo from Lake Nakuru National Park

The Cape Buffalo is one of those animals that looks calm and serene, but can give the best predator a run for its money. No wonder, it is part of the ‘Big Five’, an elite group of animals that were traditionally difficult to capture.

Cape Buffalo rests in the swamp land of Lake Nakuru
But, the Cape Buffalo is unlike the rest of the Big Five and hardly looks interested in even a deep stare. All it cares about is grazing, covering itself with mud and lying in the water.

Cape Buffalos seen from on top of Baboon's Cliff
But, beneath all this docility lies sheer brute strength and an instinct to protect itself and its family. One can get a feel of this by seeing their massive horns and their muscles in tons.

A Resting Cape Buffalo
I was lucky to see them in huge numbers at Lake Nakuru. Most of the time they preferred to rest in the shade or roll in the swampy mud land.