Monday, May 20, 2013

Travel Photo: Welcome to Jogja

The place is called Yogyakarta and is in the Central Java area of Indonesia, but locals prefer to call their city Jogjakarta or Jogja. I had taken the day train from Jakarta and reached Jogja by about 5 pm. After dropping my bags at my friend’s place, he took me to the area surrounding the sultan’s palace. This is where I saw an interesting local ritual, which officially welcomed me to this young and vibrant city as a photographer.

Welcome to Jogja, Indonesia
There were these interesting decorated motor carts and cycle carts that had lights all over them. They had interesting shapes and designs and most of them had Jogja written in front of them. Locals like to take a ride in it and listen to some loud music while exploring the heart of the city in it. It is very popular with young couples and sometimes young families too. A great welcome for me to Jogja to see this colorful evening ritual.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting!
