Monday, July 01, 2013

Google Authorship approved

Google authorship has been around for more than an year. A lot of SEO sites have been recommending it to all website owners. I have been seeing these tiny people images pop up next to the search results. A lot of sites have been experiencing increase in traffic once they have had their authorship approved. On the flip side, some sites have seen reduction in traffic. Initially, I was apprehensive about connecting my Google Plus authorship with my blog, but up on hearing success stories of other bloggers, I decided to take the plunge and do the connection.

Google Authorship for
So, now all search results come with my photo as the author. I have been a bit late to get on this authorship bandwagon, but I want to see if this helps in increasing my website traffic and leads to more clicks from Google search. And I hope it helps in my ranking too. Now, I am getting a bit too greedy. In case you have similar thoughts for your travel blog, I recommend you give it a try and assess the extent of positive or negative influence. The experts say that in the future the google search algorithm will consider the authorship data for ranking.


  1. That is a very useful post. How do you get it done?

  2. It is fairly simple Niranjan. Have a google plus account and follow google's steps on getting the authorship connected. Either you can manually validate the google plus connection or make it rel=author". read about it online. It is easy.

  3. My face has been on various posts on for about a year, it shows up in the Google Structured Data Testing Tool yet not on the SERP, any thoughts on this? It is becoming very frustrating, yet strangely, one of our writers (Chrisselle Mowatt) who is very much unheard of compared to me and my 25,000 Twitter followers, she was almost instantly added as an author.

  4. Your photo is not coming now :(

  5. It comes on select pages and posts. The google authorship has its own algorithm and I don't know how it works, but I know that my photo comes in some search results.
