Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kape Pukkas Pension House: Budget Cottages in El Nido, Philippines

El Nido, the hotspot of Palawan island has a lot of accommodation options to help travelers with all kinds of budgets. As is the norm, beach facing fronts quote the highest prices while the budget ones are slightly away from the beach. While I was at El Nido, I stayed at the Kape Pukkas Pension House, which is located on the street parallel to the main beach stretch. The below review is based on my experience of staying 8 nights and 8 days here.

1) The cottages are small, but come with the modern facilities like a fan, mosquito net and a small light. Each cottage has a small balcony. And all of this costs 350 PHP per room.

2) Bathroom and toilets are shared. Bathrooms are bucket and pail technique and toilets are western styled, but without the toilet seat and flushes.

3) The reception at the pension house mentions about free wi-fi, but the wi-fi was never there during my entire stay.

4) The cottages are close to the beach (2 minute walk away) and is in close proximity to all the local restaurants, tour companies, grocery stores and more.

5) Electricity is there every day from 2 pm to 6 AM. Sometimes when all the cottages are full or when running water stops, the pension house runs a backup generator.

6) Some nights can be a bit warm, but mornings are always pleasant.

7) The owner of the pension house runs the happening Pukkas bar on the beach. 

The place is simple and works for backpackers and for those on a tight budget. Apart from the place lacking modern amenities, there should be no other complaints.

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