Sunday, July 14, 2013

Street Photo: Pedi Cab of Manila

Pedi Cabs can be seen almost everywhere in the Philippines. In fact, it is one of the more preferred and cheaper forms of public transport in this archipelago nation. It’s short wheels and low ground clearance give a different perspective to the passengers. I took a ride in one when I was exploring the Intra Muros area of Manila, which is also referred to as the walled city.

A pedi cab driver in the intra muros area of Manila, Philippines
It is here that I took this photo of this pedi cab driver relaxing in his pedi cab along with other pedi cabs. Initially, he was unhappy that I took his photo. I apologized. He said he is unhappy because he did not get a chance to pose for his photo. I smiled. The people of Philippines have a good sense of humor and they seem to be smiling even in hardship.

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