Mentioned in Sakal Times
Its happy news time! Yours truly was mentioned along with other travelers, travel bloggers and food bloggers in the front page of the Sunday supplement of Sakal Times, a Pune based newspaper. This article written by Juili Eklahare takes a look at where and why Indians are traveling. Just ahead of World Tourism Day (September 27), this article talks about long term travel, managing your travel budget, staying safe, traveling as a vegetarian and overall celebrates the free spirit of travel. If you haven’t been able to pick up the print copy of this newspaper, you can read the epaper version. Alternatively, you can click the image below.
A big cheers to the world of travel that has enriched my spirit and soul and is doing that to countless others! Happy World Tourism Day!!

A big cheers to the world of travel that has enriched my spirit and soul and is doing that to countless others! Happy World Tourism Day!!