Travel Photo: A Torajan Coffee Seller
The Indonesia Kopi packs quite a unique flavor and is quite an important part of Indonesia’s ‘Nongkrong’ culture. Hence, I was all pepped up when I saw the coffee estates in the Sulawesi island of Indonesia. They are quite strong and come with their own special aroma. While the coffee estates are beautiful, the subject here is the roasted coffee beans and the local Torajan seller who either sells the coffee beans or grinds them and then sells the coffee powder. What I really loved is his relaxed attitude towards his work. He simply put his feet up and once a while used his stick and cloth to shoo away the flies. And when someone looked at him, he simply smiled. And that is precisely what happened with me. And he was kind enough to let me take his photograph.
This in essence captures the mood of Tana Toraja, which is very relaxed and blessed with natural beauty. The people of Toraja are easy going and love their relaxed life. They are very proud of their traditions and love their coffee fiercely. If you ever get a chance to visit Tana Toraja, do check out this relaxed culture, their traditions and their coffee.

This in essence captures the mood of Tana Toraja, which is very relaxed and blessed with natural beauty. The people of Toraja are easy going and love their relaxed life. They are very proud of their traditions and love their coffee fiercely. If you ever get a chance to visit Tana Toraja, do check out this relaxed culture, their traditions and their coffee.